
Quantum computers without
good algorithms are dumb machines


Computers are machines
Algorithms are ideas


Our team has a long history of carrying out cutting-edge research in various topics related to quantum information, quantum computation, quantum foundations, complex systems and other related topics. Our world-class research has resulted in more than 300 papers, which we are very proud to have published in top peer-reviewed journals such as Nature, Nat. Phys., Nat. Commun., PRX, PRL, among others.

Latest research papers


Low-variance observable estimation with informationally-complete measurements and tensor networks
arXiv:2407.02923 (2024) | Read

Estimating molecular thermal averages with the quantum equation of motion and informationally complete measurements
arXiv:2406.04475 (2024) | Read

Enhanced observable estimation through classical optimization of informationally over-complete measurement data -- beyond classical shadows
Phys. Rev. A 109, 062412 (2024) | Read

Efficient and operational quantifier of divisibility in terms of channel discrimination
arXiv:2405.19108 (2024) | Read

Quantum-centric strong and dynamical electron correlation: A resource-efficient second-order N-electron valence perturbation theory formulation for near-term quantum devices
arXiv:2405.15422 (2024) | Read

Problem-informed Graphical Quantum Generative Learning
arXiv:2405.14072 (2024) | Read

Generalized group designs: overcoming the 4-design-barrier and constructing novel unitary 2-designs in arbitrary dimensions
arXiv:2405.00919 (2024) | Read

ΔADAPT-VQE: Toward Accurate Calculation of Excitation Energies on Quantum Computers for BODIPY Molecules With Application in Photodynamic Therapy
arXiv:2404.16149 (2024) | Read

Scalability of quantum error mitigation techniques: from utility to advantage
arXiv:2403.13542 (2024) | Read

Treespilation: Architecture- and State-Optimised Fermion-to-Qubit Mappings
arXiv:2403.03992 (2024) | Read

Piquasso: A Photonic Quantum Computer Simulation Software Platform
arXiv:2403.04006 (2024) | Read

Transfer and routing of Gaussian states through quantum complex networks with and without community structure
arXiv:2403.05623 (2024) | Read

The promising path of evolutionary optimization to avoid barren plateaus
arXiv:2402.05227 (2024) | Read

Hamiltonian-oriented homotopy quantum approximate optimization algorithm
Phys. Rev. A 109, 022611 (2024) | Read

Calculating the many-body density of states on a digital quantum computer
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013106 (2024) | Read

Tensor network noise characterization for near-term quantum computers
arXiv:2402.08556 (2024) | Read

Towards Efficient Quantum Computing for Quantum Chemistry: Reducing Circuit Complexity with Transcorrelated and Adaptive Ansatz Techniques
arXiv:2402.16659 (2024) | Read


High performance Boson Sampling simulation via data-flow engines
arXiv:2309.07027 (2023) | Read

The variational quantum eigensolver self-consistent field method within a polarizable embedded framework
arXiv:2312.01926 (2023) | Read

High performance Boson Sampling simulation via data-flow engines
arXiv:2309.07027 (2023) | Read

Efficient qudit based scheme for photonic quantum computing
arXiv:2302.07357 (2023) | Read

Quantum Many-Body Scars in Dual-Unitary Circuits
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 010401 (2023) | Read

Classification and transformations of quantum circuit decompositions for permutation operations
arXiv:2312.11644 (2023) | Read

Quantum-centric Supercomputing for Materials Science: A Perspective on Challenges and Future Directions
arXiv:2312.09733 (2023) | Read

Disease Gene Prioritization With Quantum Walks
arXiv:2311.05486 (2023) | Read

Toward Accurate Post-Born-Oppenheimer Molecular Simulations on Quantum Computers: An Adaptive Variational Eigensolver with Nuclear-Electronic Frozen Natural Orbitals
arXiv:2310.01302 (2023) | Read

Simulating polaritonic ground states on noisy quantum devices
arXiv:2310.02100 (2023) | Read

Variational quantum eigensolver boosted by adiabatic connection
arXiv:2310.05906 (2023) | Read

Unitary Coupled-Cluster for Quantum Computation of Molecular Properties in a Strong Magnetic Field
arXiv:2309.12240 (2023) | Read

Long-time relaxation of a finite spin bath linearly coupled to a qubit
Open Sys. & Info. Dyn. 30 (02), 2350009 (2023) | Read

Self-consistent quantum measurement tomography based on semidefinite programming
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 033154 (2023) | Read

Experimentally accessible non-separability criteria for multipartite entanglement structure detection
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 013226 (2023) | Read

Quantum transport efficiency in noisy random-removal and small-world networks
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56 145301 (2023) | Read

Combining the in-medium similarity renormalization group with the density matrix renormalization group: Shell structure and information entropy
Phys. Lett. B 845, 138139 (2023) | Read

Spin-Flip Unitary Coupled Cluster Method: Toward Accurate Description of Strong Electron Correlation on Quantum Computers
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14, 35, 7876–7882 (2023) | Read

The Bonsai algorithm: grow your own fermion-to-qubit mapping
PRX Quantum 4, 030314 (2023) | Read

Scalable tensor-network error mitigation for near-term quantum computing
arXiv:2307.11740 (2023) | Read

Spin-Flip Unitary Coupled Cluster Method: Toward Accurate Description of Strong Electron Correlation on Quantum Computers
arXiv:2307.07092 (2023) | Read

Variational Gibbs State Preparation on NISQ devices
arXiv:2303.11276 (2023) | Read

Evidence of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang scaling on a digital quantum simulator
npj Quantum Information 9,  72 (2023) | Read

Towards quantum-enabled cell-centric therapeutics
Arxiv:2307.05734 (2023) | Read

Link prediction with continuous-time classical and quantum walks
Entropy 2023, 25 [5], 730 (2023) | Read

Quantum simulation of dissipative collective effects on noisy quantum computers
PRX Quantum 4, 010324 (2023) | Read

Correlated Dirac–Coulomb–Breit multiconfigurational self-consistent-field methods
J. Chem. Phys. 158, 044101 (2023)  | Read


Local quantum overlapping tomography
Phys. Rev. A 106, 062441 (2022) | Read

A self-consistent field approach for the variational quantum eigensolver: orbital optimization goes adaptive
arXiv:2212.11405 | Read

Matrix product channel: Variationally optimized quantum tensor network to mitigate noise and reduce errors for the variational quantum eigensolver
arXiv:2212.10225 | Read

Mitigating the measurement overhead of ADAPT-VQE with optimised informationally complete generalised measurements
arXiv:2212.09719 | Read

Spatial search by continuous-time quantum walks on renormalized Internet networks
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043185 (2022) | Read

Quantum correlations in molecules: from quantum resourcing to chemical bonding
Quantum Sci. Technol. 8 015015 (2022) | Read

Steering-based randomness certification with squeezed states and homodyne measurements
Phys Rev A 106, 042414 (2022) | Read

Near-optimal circuit design for variational quantum optimization
arXiv:2209.03386 | Read

Adaptive POVM implementations and measurement error mitigation strategies for near-term quantum devices
arXiv:2208.07817 | Read

Relativistic Kramers-Unrestricted Exact-Two-Component Density Matrix Renormalization Group
J. Phys. Chem. A 2022, 126, 30, 5011–5020 | Read

Quantifying Electron Entanglement Faithfully
arXiv:2207.03377 | Read

Virtual linear map algorithm for classical boost in near-term quantum computing
arXiv:2207.01360 | Read

Quantum network medicine: rethinking medicine with network science and quantum algorithms
arXiv:2206.12405 | Read

Witnessing Objectivity on a Quantum Computer
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 015022 (2022) | Read


Learning to Measure: Adaptive Informationally Complete Generalized Measurements for Quantum Algorithms
PRX Quantum 2, 040342 (2021) | Read - Watch

Collision Models Can Efficiently Simulate Any Multipartite Markovian Quantum Dynamics
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 130403 (2021) | Read

Scaling up real networks by geometric branching growth
PNAS 118 (21) e2018994118 (2021) | Read

Stochastic collision model approach to transport phenomena in quantum networks
New J. Phys. 23, 033031 (2021) | Read

Satellite-Based Photonic Quantum Networks Are Small-World
PRX Quantum 2, 0103041 (2021) | Read

Time and classical equations of motion from quantum entanglement via the Page and Wootters mechanism with generalised coherent states
Nat. Commun. 12, 1787 (2021) | Read

Ergodic control of diffusions with random intervention times
Journal of Applied Probability 58, 1-21 (2021) | Read


Simulation of open-quantum-system dynamics using the quantum Zeno effect
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023133 (2020) | Read

Decoherence without entanglement and quantum Darwinism
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 012061 R (2020) | Read

IBMQ Experience as a versatile experimental testbed for simulating open quantum systems
npj Quantum Inf. 6, 1 (2020) | Read

Noisy quantum metrology enhanced by continuous nondemolition measurement
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 200505 (2020) | Read

Pairwise tomography networks for many-body quantum systems
Phys. Rev. Research, 023393 (2020) | Read

Emergent entanglement structures and self-similarity in quantum spin chains
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.06989 | Read

Precision as a measure of predictability of missing links in real networks
Phys. Rev. E 101, 052318 (2020) | Read

Multi-core fiber integrated multi-port beam splitters for quantum information processing
Optica 7, 542 (2020) | Read

Statistical Properties of the Quantum Internet
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 210501 (2020) | Read

Mitigation of readout noise in near-term quantum devices by classical post-processing based on detector tomography
Quantum 4, 257 (2020) | Read

Single-Quantum-Dot heat valve
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 237701 (2020) | Read


Mercator: uncovering faithful hyperbolic embeddings of complex networks
New J. Phys. 21, 123033 (2019) | Read

Enhanced Multiqubit Phase Estimation in Noisy Environments by Local Encoding
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 180503 (2019) | Read

All Sets of Incompatible Measurements give an Advantage in Quantum State Discrimination
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 130403 (2019) | Read


Experimental implementation of fully controlled dephasing dynamics and synthetic spectral densities
Nat. Commun.  9,  3453 (2018) | Read

Entanglement negativity bounds for fermionic Gaussian states
Phys. Rev. B 97, 165123 (2018) | Read

Challenging local realism with human choices
Nature 557, 212 (2018) | Read

DeepCaustics: classification and removal of caustics from underwater imagery.
IEEE J. Ocean. Eng (2018) | Read

Multiscale unfolding of real networks by geometric renormalization
Nat. Phys. 14, 583 (2018) | Read

Unveiling noiseless clusters in complex quantum networks
npj Quant. Inf. 4, 57 (2018) | Read

Memory effects in a quasiperiodic Fermi lattice
Phys. Rev. A 98, 053608 (2018) | Read

Maximal Randomness Generation from Steering Inequality Violations Using Qudits
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 260401 (2018) | Read

Device-Independent Entanglement Certification of All Entangled States
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 180503 (2018) | Read


Universal extensions of restricted classes of quantum operations
Phys. Rev. Letters 119, 220502 (2017) | Read

Detecting Non-Markovianity of Quantum Evolution via Spectra of Dynamical Maps
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 080404 (2017) | Read

All-optical quantum simulator of qubit noisy channels
Appl. Phys 110, 081107 (2017) | Read

The geometric nature of weights in real complex networks
Nat. Commun.  8, 14103 (2017) | Read

Efficient Device-Independent Entanglement Detection for Multipartite Systems
Phys. Rev. X 7, 021042 (2017) | Read

All Entangled States can Demonstrate Nonclassical Teleportation
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 110501 (2017) | Read

All Entangled States can Demonstrate Nonclassical Teleportation
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 110501 (2017) | Read


Colloquium: Non-Markovian dynamics in open quantum systems
Rev. Mod. Phys. 88, 021002 (2016) | Read

McCulloch-pitts brains and pseudorandom functions
Neural Comput. 28, 1042 (2016) | Read

Quantum steering: a review with focus on semidefinite programming
Rep. Prog. Phys. 80, 2 (2016) | Read

Entanglement negativity in two-dimensional free lattice models
Phys. Rev. B 93, 115148 (2016) | Read


Detection of entanglement in asymmetric quantum networks and multipartite quantum steering
Nat. Commun. 6,  7941 (2015) | Read

Hierarchy of Steering Criteria Based on Moments for All Bipartite Quantum Systems
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 210401 (2015) | Read


Entanglement negativity in the harmonic chain out of equilibrium
New J. Phys. 16, 123020 (2014) | Read

Non-Markovianity and reservoir memory of quantum channels: a quantum information theory perspective
Sci. Rep. 4, 5720 (2014) | Read

Degree of Non-Markovianity of Quantum Evolution
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 120404 (2014) | Read

Bell nonlocality
Rev. Mod. Phys. 86, 419 (2014) | Read

Quantifying Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 18040 (2014) | Read

On the NP-completeness of the Hartree-Fock method for translationally invariant systems
J. Chem. Phys. 141, 234103 (2014) | Read


Distribution of entanglement in large-scale quantum networks
Rep. Prog. Phys. 76, 096001 (2013) | Read

Can brains generate random numbers?
AIP Conf. Proc. 1510, 271 (2013) | Read


Nonlocality Tests Enhanced by a Third Observer
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 040402 (2012) | Read


Simple trapped-ion architecture for high-fidelity Toffoli gates
Phys. Rev. A 84, 012314 (2011) | Read

Quantum networks reveal quantum nonlocality
Nat. Commun. 2, 184 (2011) | Read

Experimental control of the transition from Markovian to non-Markovian dynamics of open quantum systems
Nat. Phys. 7, 931 (2011) | Read


Measure for the non-Markovianity of quantum processes
Phys. Rev. A 81, 062115 (2010) | Read

Sudden Transition between Classical and Quantum Decoherence
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 200401 (2010) | Read

Entanglement entropy in quantum spin chains with broken reflection symmetry
Phys. Rev. A 82, 032334 (2010) | Read


Measure for the Degree of Non-Markovian Behavior of Quantum Processes in Open Systems
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 210401 (2009) | Read

Open-System Dynamics of Graph-State Entanglement
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 030502 (2009) | Read


Scaling Laws for the Decay of Multiqubit Entanglement
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 080501 (2008) | Read

Non-Markovian Quantum Jumps
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 180402 (2008) | Read

Protecting Entanglement via the Quantum Zeno Effect
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 090503 (2008) | Read

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