
Quantum Now

Quantum Now is a participant driven Quantum Unconference. The main goal is to bring together the most brilliant and active scientists working on near-term quantum computing and brainstorm the answer to the question:

What are the most important ingredients to accelerate the path to quantum advantage?

The focus is on scientific collaboration aimed at the identification of all the key research directions that need to be unlocked to make this possible. A collaborative, open minded, and hands-on attitude is needed. There will be no scheduled presentations but a lot of discussions (all together and in working groups) in a stunning remote location in Lapland, surrounded by wonderful natural beauty and with a chance to admire the Northern Lights.

List of Participants

> Antonio Acín (ICFO, ES)
> Aleandro Aolita (Technology Innovation Institute, UAE)
> Elsi Borrelli (Algorithmiq, FI)
> Fernando Brandão (Caltech / Amazon, USA)
> Daniel Cavalcanti (Algorithmiq, FI)
> Andre Carvalho (Q-CTRL, DE)
> Toby Cubitt (Phasecraft/Univ. College London, UK)
> Sophia Economou (Virginia Tech, USA)
> Sergey Filippov (Algorithmiq, FI)
> Guillermo García-Pérez (Algorithmiq, FI)
> András Gilyén (Alfréd Rényi Inst. of Mathematics, HU)
> John Goold (Algorithmiq/Trinity College Dublin, FI/IRE)
> Zoe Holmes (EPFL, CH)
> Hsin-Yuan (Robert) Huang (Caltech / Google, USA)
> Abhinav Kandala (IBM, USA)
> Elica Kyoseva (NVIDIA, USA)
> Sabrina Maniscalco (Algorithmiq / Univ. of Helsinki, FI)
Antonio Mezzacapo (IBM, USA)
Yihui Quek (MIT, USA)
Matteo Rossi (Algorithmiq, FI)
Boris Sokolov (Algorithmiq, FI)
Ivano Tavernelli (IBM, CH)
Kristan Temme (IBM, USA)
> Zoltán Zimborás (Algorithmiq / Wigner RCP, FI/HU)

Practical details


Event dates:  April 3-6, 2024
Contact: [email protected]

The event will take place in Northern Lights Village Resort, at Pyhä in Finnish Lapland, amidst the captivating surroundings of glassy igloos, offering a direct view of the mesmerizing Aurora Borealis.

All participants should arrange their own travel to Rovaniemi. Accommodations, meals, and transportation from Rovaniemi airport to the Resort will be covered by Algorithmiq. 
Please plan your travels to ensure you arrive at Rovaniemi airport on April 2nd. The program kicks off with dinner on the 2nd, so arriving early is encouraged.

Organising comittee

> Sabrina Maniscalco / Professor, Co-founder & CEO Algorithmiq
> Elsi-Mari Borrelli / Lead Science Coordinator, Algorithmiq
> Daniel Cavalcanti / Lead Science Researcher, Algorithmiq
> Zoltán Zimborás /  Senior Researcher at Algorithmiq, Prof. at Wigner RCP
> Antonio Acín / Professor, ICFO